Alaturi de dumneavoastra
Secțiunea: Ar putea fi cancer?
2 comentarii
1 Atavistic Chemotherapy |
15-01-2018, 15:16 |
Membru din 11-01-2018 Subiecte: 2 Comentarii: 13 |
Atavistic Chemotherapy este o clinica privata din USA, infiintata de Dr. Frank Arguello si de curand si-a inceput activitatea si in Romania.
Sunt alaturi de dumneavoastra pe forum si incercam sa fim cat mai activi pentru a va raspunde tuturor. Acest topic este destinat pacientilor care au intrebari si noi, in cel mai scurt timp va vom raspunde cu sfaturi, interpretari si recomandari. Va multumim si va asteptam intrebarile! Modalitati alternative, non-toxice de tratare a cancerului:
Pentru mai multe detalii: sau |
2 RaulDuke |
16-01-2018, 15:43 |
Membru din 12-04-2011 Subiecte: 1 Comentarii: 7787 |
Răspuns pentru (Atavistic Chemotherapy, 15-01-2018, 15:16:31): Ce tampenie! inca o smecherie de luat banii la fraieri :D dintre care, din pacate, sunt intr-adevar foarte multi, pe planeta. Pentru cine stie engleza: “Atavistic oncology”: Another dubious cancer therapy to be avoided An idea promulgated by physicist Paul Davies that cancer is a reversion to a primordial cell type has been making the rounds. It’s even spawned a form of quackery, atavistic chemotherapy, promoted by Dr. Frank Arguello. Davies, in his hubris and his view of himself as an “outsider,” seems to think he’s the first scientist to have ever had this “brilliant insight,” when in fact the atavistic hypothesis of cancer hasn’t caught on is because it’s a hypothesis that is not new. It has been considered carefully by cancer biologists and found wanting based on biology and evolution. Unfortunately, it’s also a hypothesis that is easily co-opted for cancer quackery. David Gorski on July 28, 2014 |
2 comentarii